Saturday, September 27, 2014

Water, what is your choice?

Hello All!!

Todays topic is water!! My preferred drink of choice is water and it has been all my life.  I only drink purified, filtered or spring water.  PUR is one of the nations leading source for providing clean pure water and Auther Tweedie knows best!!  Take a look a one of his videos.

What is your water choice? #watercritic #contest

xoxo Water Gurl

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Test post

Hello Lovelies!! I've decided to add a new blog that will focus on beauty and make up and to leave OMG Wait What Polish Is That? Solely for polish blogging.  I will be having a giveaway to promote my new beauty blog.  Stay tuned for details and a Thank you for following.  Keep looking up, cause that's where it all is....
Xoxo Shea